Matthews' Musings

Twaddle & Twaddle Rocket Engines Inc by Rodney Matthews

Lavender Castle - Part III: The Long Wait

The third instalment in a series of blogs about my animated children's TV series, Lavender Castle ...

Lavender Castle - Part III: The Long Wait

The third instalment in a series of blogs about my animated children's TV series, Lavender Castle ...

Short Fred Ledd by Rodney Matthews

Lavender Castle - Part II: The Hiccup!

The second instalment in a series of blogs about my animated children's TV series, Lavender Castle ...

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Lavender Castle - Part II: The Hiccup!

The second instalment in a series of blogs about my animated children's TV series, Lavender Castle ...

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Lavender Castle promotional poster | Rodney Matthews

Lavender Castle - Part I: How I met Gerry Anderson

The first instalment in a series of blogs about my animated children's TV series, Lavender Castle ...

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Lavender Castle - Part I: How I met Gerry Anderson

The first instalment in a series of blogs about my animated children's TV series, Lavender Castle ...

1 comment
Yendor and the Grabsting by Rodney Matthews

Insect Antics II

The second instalment in a series of blogs devoted to my fascination for insects ...

Insect Antics II

The second instalment in a series of blogs devoted to my fascination for insects ...

Sextet by Rodney Matthews

Insect Antics

The first instalment in a series of blogs devoted to my fascination for insects ...


Insect Antics

The first instalment in a series of blogs devoted to my fascination for insects ...

Highbury ... the house that rocked!

Highbury ... the house that rocked!

A quick word about our most recent exhibition, Electric Rock, held at Highbury Hall, Birmingham ...

Highbury ... the house that rocked!

A quick word about our most recent exhibition, Electric Rock, held at Highbury Hall, Birmingham ...